
Music Genome Project
November 27, 2008, 4:09 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Recently a friend told me about the music genome project. I have to say, I’m impressed with this service. I’m fast becoming a proponent of most any form of free dissemination of music, visual art, etc. over branded, corporate-owned containment of culture.

So far I have eight different stations ranging from CCR to Nas. From the searches I’ve entered I get not only the artists I know I like, but also some that I’ve never heard of.

Check this site out and enjoy.


Grace and Peace,


Thoughts for Advent
November 22, 2008, 3:29 am
Filed under: Advent

russian_icon_instaplanet_saint_nicholasAdvent is coming. As it does, please remember Nicholas of Myra and do some good for the people you love, in secret. I think this is a much better way for Christians to give gifts. It gives us a creative way to do good in a quiet and humble way. 

Also, take time to consider the gravity of Jesus’ coming. This is not something that we are capable of simply approaching raw. There needs to be some preparation for the ideal becoming tangible in the Incarnation.


Grace and Peace,


In Memoriam: Kurt Vonnegut 11 November, 1922 to 11 April, 2007
November 11, 2008, 6:50 pm
Filed under: In Memoriam

vonnegut_kurt_garden_8001Today would have been Kurt Vonnegut’s eighty-sixth birthday. Take some time to notice the good that’s going on around, then imagine the world always being that way. When you’re done, keep doing it and don’t stop. Then tell other people you’ve done this, maybe some things will change.


Grace and Peace,


Dark Ages America
November 11, 2008, 4:17 am
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Before I left for New York, I started getting into a book called Dark Ages America. It’s essentially a book about the looming fall of the unofficial American Empire and the consequent descent into a new dark age. I could tell from the very beginning that the author’s views were not going to be entirely the same as my own, and though I’m still not very far in the book I’m sticking with my initial thoughts and guessing that the author, Morris Berman, does not approach the world with the same lens that I tend to use when trying to understand sociological and geopolitical trends. 


What I’ve read so far is that the United States has been severely mismanaged since it became  the dominant global power. We have abandoned nearly every effort that was laid out to make the world a safer and more just place for everyone, not just our kin and countrymen. One of the boldest steps toward this descent is the strong emphasis on market economics. Morris presents market economics as a co-conspirator with technology in the diminution of America’s ability to socialize in any serious community setting.


Milton Freedman taught us that we have to (repeat have to) compete with one another to do well. Why do you think we view success as not merely making a living to meet one’s responsibility’s but rather as ‘getting ahead’. It’s not only more important to win the race, finishing really doesn’t matter if you don’t win. Dominance and perpetual growth are the only true successes in a free market, why shouldn’t life be the same way?

Whereas Freedman gave an intellectual face to greed and vast gulfs of poverty, Henry Ford made it cool to build convenience. We are surrounded by gadgets and machines that are supposed to make our lives better. While many see technology as morally neutral, Berman begs to differ. These items are dislocating us from the world around us. If heat comes from a machine, it gives off no light (at least not to us anyway). This warmth has enveloped us, captivated our imaginations and dulled our very senses to the point that we can’t feel much outside of its grasp. 


These two prongs, among many others, have inflicted fatal wounds upon the soul of the American body politic. The damage is not something that can be cured by any remedy that we can make. America is doomed to a slow and painful bleeding into weakness and obscurity, from self-inflicted wounds. Okay, up to this point I agree with Berman…


What I don’t see coming is the response that I would give to this problem, which is: repent. 


I’ll leave you with the words of YHWH spoken by prophet Isaiah (if he’d spoken twenty-first century english):

Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean;

remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes;

cease to do evil,

learn to do good;

seek justice.

correct oppression;

bring justice to the fatherless, 

plead the widow’s cause.


Grace and Peace,


New month, time to post…
November 5, 2008, 7:14 pm
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Well, I’ve been ordered to post something new because it’s now November and I haven’t put anyhting on here this month. I don’t really have a lot going on right now. I’m currently reading a history of the Popes and America’s God by Mark Noll. but I’m not far enough into those to say anyhting interesting about them, so I’ll have to go into politics.   I was thinking this morning about what I want ot see from President Obama. Here’s my list: -Withdrawl form Iraq. Over the next four years we need to see changes in Iraq that facilitate a just and equitable form of government, that leads to the withdrawal of U.S. forces. I do not want to see another Germany, where we don’t exactly occupy the nation but we use it as a jumping-off point for future imperialistic endeavors. Along with Iraq goes Afghanistan. We can not continue to occupy any nation. It is morally repugnant, if only for the conditions it creates there and the hubris it fosters in us. The Taliban still rome the countryside of Afghanistan, we need to bring them to some form of criminal justice for the lives that they have taken and the injustices that they have done. Humility needs to be the name of the game and these are the two most blatant examples of American imperialism. -Attention given to infrastructure in this nation. Roads, school, hospitals, bridges, trains, water treatment centers; these are all things that need to be built, rebuilt, expanded, or funded… And they need to be public. The people of this nation need to benefit from the jobs, clean water, inexpensive transportation, safe roads and bridges, etc because they own them. These are not commodities that should be sold, but rather resources for the common wealth. -Comprehensive changes in this country that benefit the impoverished. We need a minimum wage that pays the bills. We need protection from abusive prices on food, fuel and health care. These are things that do not existence for profiteering. We need to see that wealth is not necessarily the highest moral good, if it is one at all.   

That’s all for now.  

Grace and Peace, Jared