
Don’t dream, it’s over…
October 13, 2008, 6:36 pm
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I’ve decided to vote in spite of the fact that I can only choose between the Democratic and Republican candidates for President on the Oklahoma ballot. This decision was not easy for me to make. The decision to abandon my desire to only support third-party candidates until we get more ideological diversity in this country was not easy. I am not happy that I have given in to collusion, but I have. But why? Why vote for someone who doesn’t excite me. Why not wait to support someone who will end corruption and lead toward peace and jsutice and love at every level? Why give in?


I’ll tell you right now that it has less to do with the ‘If you don’t vote, don’t complain’ thinking that it so prevelent in this country. The fact is, I’ll complain no matter what. The issue for me is that I was looking for the wrong things. I was looking for something that has already started. I was looking for the Kingdom of God. That’s somethign that no one could bring but Jesus, and it’s already here… It’s right on our doorsteps (see Luke 10:9 in the message). 


I will vote for one of these guys, but I refuse to get excited. I am not a McCain or Obama supporter, but I will grudgingly vote for one of them.

Grace and Peace,
