
This is ridiculous, mean and shameful… kind of confusing too.
May 3, 2009, 1:59 am
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It just makes me so damn mad. Seriously,  every time I even see clips from Fox News. And to think that one of these guys (Chris Wallace) has a father who is a respected journalist. How did his son go so wrong. And here’s the thing: it’s not an ideology that makes me so damn mad. It’s the constant name calling and accusations. It’s the fact that they make up differences that aren’t there. I think maybe I should admit that I watch PBS, I have a man crush on Bill Moyers and kind of on Mark Shields. I listen to Democracy Now! But Fox News makes me angry because every one’s a pundit. They don’t really have to do journalism. At least on CNN, every once in a while you get an actual news story. At least there are few people who have to stare at there teleprompter and not go into angry bouts of verbal diarrhea over how terrible things are and how great it was when (insert Republican president’s name here) was in office. And how f we could stop the damn Mexicans and terrorists and the Mexi-orists from getting into America and ruining capitalism and freedom for all the hardworking white people in the suburbs we could exist as suburbanites are meant to in their natural state: ignorant of any bad things that go on outside their gated communities. 

Oh, and I listen to NPR too. ‘Cause it relaxes me!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace and Peace,


World changing things are happening.
April 30, 2009, 8:02 pm
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I’d like to know what serious changes are going to come about from this. From what I understand he’s still against the Employee Free Choice Act. And the Democratic party is still just as involved in the twisted corrupt bullshit that goes on in D.C. So why should I care? 


Grace and Peace,


Deny it all you like…
April 26, 2009, 7:39 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Frank Rich wrote an op-ed peice for the New York Times about the banality of American evil. In it he points out our desire to see evil in our presence as a much more exciting and uncommon thing than it is. Check it out.


Grace and Peace,


It’s getting hard to breathe in all this bullshit…
April 25, 2009, 8:15 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The New York Times has an article online today about the trial going on in Libby, Montana over the asbestos-related deaths/illnesses of hundreds of citizens from an old mine. It sounds like the judge hearing this case may dismiss it on grounds of prosecutorial misconduct. Interestingly enough, this same judge has had problems with the prosecution before. You can read the article here. In case you’re interested, Amy Good and the folks at Democracy Now! did a piece on this same issue earlier this week. You can check that out hear.


Grace and Peace,


Perspectives on Church Government: Single Elder
April 18, 2009, 2:28 am
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I just finished the first chapter in this book, the essay supporting the single elder led church. I really don’t have much to say. This was a pretty weak essay. To be honest I read t so slowly that I forgot at times that he wasn’t defending a plural-elder led model of church polity. Toward the end of the essay he decides that a senior (rather than single) elder form of leadership is the way to go. But only when it’s necessary. It sounds to me like there’s a level of flexibility that leaves the door open to many different forms of polity. So long as you can respect the priesthood of all believers and obedience to scripture, it sounds like the author of this essay couldn’t complain too much.


I really do hope the other four authors step it up a bit.


Grace and Peace,


Guns, Germs and Steel: Part I
April 15, 2009, 3:19 am
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I’m about two hundred pages into this, so far, fantastic book. Aside from having a strong, masculine first name, Diamond has a very interesting thesis. Diamond is proposing that there is no intrinsic difference from society to society. But rather, geography and therefore the evolution of indigenous species and wild (read domesticable or non-domesticable species) determine which people groups are going to develop civilizations that will dominate others.


I have yet to get into any discussion of human behavior, per se, but I hope to see some attempt to explain the proclivity to build empires. I’ll keep my imaginary readers posted.


Grace and Peace,


Does Moises Silva know that Daniel says there’s no Septuagint?
April 10, 2009, 3:11 am
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He should let Silva know.

Going to the big VA
March 6, 2009, 4:07 am
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Starting tomorrow I’ll be in the great state commonwealth of Virginia for about a week, eating pork and picking tobacco. So no posts for my imaginary audience to read. Sic Semper Tyrannis.


Grace and Peace,


Travesty in Gaza
January 9, 2009, 4:22 am
Filed under: Uncategorized



When I opened up Yahoo tonight to check my e-mail, I decided I should check the news to see what was going on. I came across this story. Needless to say I was deeply upset. 

To be honest, I don’t care what precipitated this. This is injustice, plain and simple. There is no way that anyone can convince me that it is in any way just to create so much death. In fact, create is such an inappropriate term to place before the word death. This, as is all injustice, is evil. It’s a perversion or negation of the good that YHWH created. 

All I can say is this, what Israel and Hamas are doing is gut-wrenchingly awful. It pains me to know that there are children huddled around their dead mother who are too weak to stand, because they can’t get food. May YHWH have mercy on them. But, I fear that will not be the case.


Grace and Peace,


Music Genome Project
November 27, 2008, 4:09 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Recently a friend told me about the music genome project. I have to say, I’m impressed with this service. I’m fast becoming a proponent of most any form of free dissemination of music, visual art, etc. over branded, corporate-owned containment of culture.

So far I have eight different stations ranging from CCR to Nas. From the searches I’ve entered I get not only the artists I know I like, but also some that I’ve never heard of.

Check this site out and enjoy.


Grace and Peace,
