
A message for my Representative, yeah people still do that
March 20, 2010, 4:42 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The following is a message that Sojourners asks its readers to send to their district representative in the U.S. House. The last paragraph is my personal contribution, the rest is the text that Sojourners generated. I’d like to add that if at some point in the future it becomes feasible (i.e. I have the money and it becomes remotely possible for someone who is not a Republican to win in this district) I will try to take this seat from Michael McCaul. He is the spoiled, thoughtless kind of Republican elitist that is doing damage to this country in a number of ways. I know it may not mean much, but I’d like to go on record as saying that, even if I have to run as a Democrat, I’d like to see this man lose his seat. Maybe someday.

Representative Michael McCaul
U.S. House of Representatives
131 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0001

Dear Member of Congress,

Please vote YES on health-care reform.

Despite the long months, heated debates, and tough negotiations,
millions of Americans are still uninsured, insurance companies
continue to deny coverage, and health-care costs are bankrupting

As one of God’s children, I believe that protecting the health
of each human being is a profoundly important personal and
communal responsibility for people of faith.

Thank you for all of your hard work over the past months on this
legislation. I understand the bill might not be perfect, but
extending coverage to millions of Americans and passing crucial
insurance regulations is the right thing to do.

I think that it is time to put parochial concerns aside, leave
personal wealth on the periphery and consider the needs of our
neighbors. Pleas support the reforms this legislation contains.
I’m sure you’ve held your nose on votes before.
Grace and Peace,


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