
A message for my Representative, Part II
June 1, 2010, 9:26 pm
Filed under: Rants

This is a portion of the most recent message my congressional Representative sent out:

With our troops engaged in both Afghanistan and Iraq I think it is irresponsible for Congress to change a policy without clear evidence that it will not interfere with our military’s objectives.  Any consideration of change that could effect morale should be left to our generals on the battlefield. It is unfortunate that Democrats feel the need to push a social agenda before an election instead of waiting for the Pentagon’s study due out in December that will gauge what affect repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell will have on our men and women in uniform.

This is my response:

Representative McCaul, I received your most recent e-mail message, and I must say that the section on the possible repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” is a remarkable example of your inability to lead. The smokescreen that conservatives keep throwing up of a need to know how this will affect military personnel is spurious, irresponsible and immoral. Regardless of how you feel about the lives that these folks lead personally, their lifestyle in no way inhibits their ability to serve and perform the mission. If someone told me that I could be an Anglican and serve in the military, but just not ever disclose the fact that I was an Anglican, and if anyone else ever informed my supervisor or Commander that I was a member of a church that was part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, they would be forced to begin an investigation to determine whether or not they needed to force my involuntary separation from the military. Is that just? Is it moral? Would you care what the problems involved with repealing any law that forced me to lie, to violate the standard of integrity to which we hold our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines? I should hope not. I would like to think that you would fight tooth and nail to have this ignorant and unjust law repealed, if for no other reason than this law would be a burden on our military and its ability to perform the mission it was given. Stop hiding and lead Representative McCaul. This kind of short-sighted political nonsense does no favors to the United States military and it puts people who are otherwise honorable servants of this nation lie and conceal things about themselves. Shame on you and shame on anyone who supports this unjust law. Change your mind sir, in the interests of justice and national security, change your mind.

Grace and Peace,
